Uromastyx Care Guide
Did You Know?
- There are about 14 species of Uromastyx, all with their own colors and characteristics.
- The Uromastyx can actually change color depending on the temperatures they are in.
- We love to burrow! Uromastyx require deep substrates as they love digging & burrowing in their habitats.
- Uromastyx are native to Africa & the Middle East.
- Also known as spiny-tailed lizards.
Species Information
Approximately 12 years
10-36 inches depending on species
Very social & engaging, Uromastyx handle well once they have been tamed. Not recommended to house multiple together.
Warm Side: Around 90-95°F
Basking Temps: 110-120°F
Cool Side: 80-90°F
Very low humidity levels (desert dweller)
Uromastyx are herbivorous lizards and must receive the proper greens, grains and seeds in order to stay healthy. Uros require a uniquely specific diet. Uromastyx do not eat insects and should never be offered them.
Dust food with calcium supplement and vitamin supplements. As a rule, a growing juvenile’s food should be supplemented more often than an adult’s.
Uromastyx metabolically manufacture water in their own bodies, as they would have little exposure to water sources in their native regions. In addition to this self-made water, they also receive water from the greens they eat every day. Most Uromastyx specialists advise against keeping water in their enclosure. Soaking sessions a few times a week under your supervision will allow your lizard to drink water if he or she desires.
The enclosure should be a solid glass sided tank long enough to create a cool side and a warm side.
We recommend a burrowing substrate made up of sands, soils, mosses or aspen. These reptiles love to dig!
Cage furnishings should be kept to a minimum. A hide house, small terrarium plant and feeding dishes are the only recommended items.
Uromastyx MUST be exposed to UVB lighting 8-12 hours a day. This exposure is CRITICAL in allowing the animal to synthesize vitamin D3 and absorb calcium.
All lizards must have distinct day and night periods in their enclosure to maintain their biological rhythms. Uromastyx need 8-12 hours of daytime and 8-12 hours of nighttime.
Daily maintenance should consist of spot cleaning by removing soiled substrate, cleaning water bowl thoroughly and wiping glass clean. The entire tank should be cleaned thoroughly at least once every month.
- 40 Gal glass tank with secure metal mesh tank cover at minimum
- Appropriately sized dome & heat light
- UVB bulb & housing
- Under tank heating pad
- Temperature/humidity gauge
- Burrowing or Aspen substrate
- Hide house
- Food dishes
- Calcium & vitamin supplements
- Appropriate pellet or dehydrated food
Vet Approved
Our Care Guides are designed to assist in general knowledge and requirements for the care of your new family member. We strongly encourage further research and consultation with your veterinarian on the complete and proper care of any new pet.
For more information visit petsuppliesplus.com, cdc.gov/healthypets or contact your veterinarian.
Always wash your hands before and after handling your pet or cleaning its habitat, and remember that any pet can scratch, bite or transmit disease to humans.
For pregnant women, persons with compromised immune systems, or if you have children under the age of 5, we strongly recommend contacting your physician prior to purchasing or caring for a new pet.
Please see the Centers for Disease Control website at www.cdc.gov/healthypets for more information.
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