Freshwater Snail Care Guide
Did You Know?
- Snails have a radula instead of teeth that they use to scrape algae from surfaces.
- They sleep for brief moments throughout a 12 hour period and then stay awake for up to 3 days at a time.
- Some Nerite Snails can live in both freshwater and saltwater habitats.
- An Assassin Snail will eat smaller nuisance snails and can help rid your tank of these pests.

Species Information
2-3 inches long depending on species
Bottom dweller
Snails are docile and compatible with most tanks, although some aggressive or larger fish may eat some snails. Snails will crawl up surfaces within the tank and graze on algae buildup as they move throughout the aquarium. For this reason, snails are an excellent choice to add to an established tank to help maintain a cleanly aquarium. Snails will often breed in your home aquarium so keep this in mind when choosing the number of snails to add to your tank.
1 gallon or more
70°-80°F depending on species
While snails do graze on algae in the aquarium, this is not enough to complete their diet. Offer your snails algae wafers, commercial tropical fish pellets or fresh vegetables daily. Most aquariums should be offered food twice a day in a quantity that can be completely consumed by its inhabitants within 1-2 minutes. Stock level and types of species may require adjustments to these feeding recommendations.
Calcium supplements in the form of mineral stones or cuttle bone pieces may be offered to your snails to promote healthy shell growth.
Snails will adapt to many types of aquarium set ups but will benefit from live plants in their habitat. Be sure to provide adequate spaces for your snails to hide and feel secure.
We recommend water acclamation for your freshwater snails and fish. To achieve this, float the bag containing the new fish in your aquarium for 10 to 15 minutes to equalize temperatures. At this point you can add small amounts of your tank water to the fish bag every 15 minutes or so 3-4 times. At this point, catch your new snail or fish out of the bag and release it into your quarantine aquarium.
- Algae wafers
- Live aquatic plants
- Mineral stone or cuttle bone
- Aquarium decor to provide hide spots
Vet Approved
Our Care Guides are designed to assist in general knowledge and requirements for the care of your new family member. We strongly encourage further research and consultation with your veterinarian on the complete and proper care of any new pet.
For more information visit, or contact your veterinarian.
Always wash your hands before and after handling your pet or cleaning its habitat, and remember that any pet can scratch, bite or transmit disease to humans.
For pregnant women, persons with compromised immune systems, or if you have children under the age of 5, we strongly recommend contacting your physician prior to purchasing or caring for a new pet.
Please see the Centers for Disease Control website at for more information.
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