Carefresh® Small Pet Bedding
Made From Scratch
Only carefresh® is made from scratch with pillowy soft, ultra absorbent comfyfluff paper designed specifically for small pets. Unlike other bedding, we make our own paper using sustainable raw, natural fiber to ensure your small pets lives a happy, healthy and loveable life.
Provide the Very Best for Your Small PetÂ
Keep your small pets warm, dry, and smelling fresh with ultra-absorbent carefresh bedding. Our natural, pet safe Odor Stopâ„¢ formula is proven to suppress ammonia odors for up to 10 days.
comfyfluff® provides the most comfortable, safe home since it is soft paper fiber that is 99% dust free, especially important for hamsters, gerbils, and rats who have a sensitive respiratory systems.
A Color for Every Character! Â
Your beloved pets have a unique personality, and so do you. With a variety of color options, to match your room, create a theme, or simply add a pop of color to brighten your pets’ day.
The color additives used in carefresh® bedding are safe for all small pets. They have a long history of use in the production of household paper products such as facial tissues or toilet paper. All carefresh® bedding is evaluated by third party labs using NIH testing protocol for animal safety.
Make it HomeÂ
Return the love by providing plenty of space and lots of soft, cozy bedding that nurtures their natural behaviors to burrow, nest and play. Carefresh bedding makes it easier to maintain a clean, dry habitat to provide the best care to keep your pets happy and healthy. Plus, it is biodegradable and compostable for easy disposal.
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